Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology

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We train experts in information technology, complex financial model construction, including the models based on Big Data processing, and automated information systems security. They say the people who work and study at our Faculty are the smartest people in the Financial University. We can't help but agree. After all, we train future mathematicians, experts in mathematical methods use, IT experts and information security experts.

We offer the following bachelor degree programs:

  • Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, with the concentration in Data Analysis and Decision-Making in Economics and Finance 
  • Applied Computer Science, with the concentration in IT Services and Data Processing Technologies in Economics and Finance  
  •  Business Informatics, with the concentration in Corporate IT Management  
  • Information Security, with the concentration in Automated System Protection in the Financial and Banking Sector 

 We offer the following master degree programs:   

  •  Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, with the concentration in Data Analysis and Machine Learning in the Economic and Financial Sector   
  •  Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, with the concentration in Blockchain Technologies and Cryptocurrency (enrolment: as of 2018 )
  •  Applied Computer Science, with the concentration in Smart IT in Corporate Financial Management  
  • Business Informatics, with the concentration in Corporate IT Strategic Management
  • Information Security, with the concentration in Information Security of Financial and Lending Institutions

Our students acquire fundamental knowledge of mathematics and computer science and obtain professional competences and skills that make them eligible to become employed by government institutions and business companies.

Our mission

Our mission is to become the leading research, education, project design and consulting center operating in the data analysis and IT sector and to promote the University's academic excellence.

The research findings obtained in research projects will be extensively used in the teaching process at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology and at other Financial University Faculties. Thus, the graduates will have modern analytical tools and IT tools that are in demand in financial and lending institutions and FinTech companies.

Priority areas in the Faculty teaching staff research 

  • Machine learning and data analysis in economics and finance;
  • Distributed ledger technology (blockchain), cryptocurrency and smart contracts;  
  • Corporate mobility and the Internet of Things;  
  • Information technology management in the digital economy;  
  • Collective intelligence technologies;
  • Cybersecurity in the financial sector;
  • Smart applications and artificial intelligence systems   

Unique program features and the Faculty competitive advantages 

  • Unique program curricula that ensure fundamental knowledge of mathematics and modern information technologies;
  • Program content is updated regularly and is based on the results of the labor market requirements analysis;
  • Systemic approach to education ensures the graduates' rapid career growth;
  • Intensive studies courses are on offer that are part of further education programs;
  • Famous scholars, doctors of sciences, and leading practitioners are engaged in the teaching process; 
  • The Faculty graduates are in demand on the labor market;
  • The Faculty graduates have their signature wide range of professional competencies, including good modern software, hardware and IT skills needed to resolve issues in the business environment, a high degree of mobility and the ability to quickly acquire new skills needed when using unfamiliar hardware and software tools in various situations.   

Our instructors

The Department of Data Analysis, Decision-Making Theory and Financial Technology, the Department of Business Informatics, the Department of Information Security, and the Department of Systems Analysis in Economics are the degree-awarding departments at the Faculty. In total, 230 instructors work at the above Departments, incl. 110 holders of the PhD degree and 40 holders of doctoral degrees. The instructors' research works are widely known in this country and abroad. The Department of 1C Technology, the Department of Banking Automation and Information Technology and the Center for Corporate Mobility Studies are part of the Faculty.

Graduate employment opportunities  

The quality of training provided for the students majoring in Business Informatics ensures their employment in companies operating in the field of IT business. The program graduates can work as business process reengineering consultants, IT directors, IT architects, IT project managers, or IT experts.

Graduates of the program in Applied Computer Science can become employed by the departments that are in charge of corporate information system development and operations, technology system integrator companies, application solution or IT service developers and suppliers.   

Graduates of the program in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science can work as financial analysts, risk managers, actuaries/insurers, consulting experts and become employed by all   economic and financial sector companies that require application of mathematical technologies and advanced information technologies.

Graduates of the program in Information Security are in demand in companies that specialize in ensuring information security of automated financial and banking systems of companies of all forms of ownership, such as banks, insurance companies, and publicly-owned companies. The program graduates can work as automated system information security experts, computer system and network security experts, and automated information systems security experts.          

The Faculty bachelor program graduates have an opportunity to apply to be enrolled to master training and postgraduate training Financial University departments if they wish to continue their studies.