Capacity Building Project EURDiQ

European Dimension in Qualifications for the Tourist Sector/EurDiQ/ 

The European Dimension in Qualifications for the Tourist Sector/EurDiQ/ is implemented in the framework of the EU Erasmus+ Program.

The goal of the Erasmus + program is to ensure sustainable development of higher education in Russia through building an educational program quality assessment system in line with the Bologna Process principles.

The project is aimed at changing structural and institutional measures in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan in the occupational standards in the tourism sector. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is one of the project Consortium leading partners. The Consortium incorporates 17 universities of Europe, Russia and Kyrgyzstan that offer programs in tourism. The project is also aimed at achieving harmonization of the European dimension in the tourism sector programs in order to improve Russian and Kyrgyz graduates' employability.

The Financial University has been the project partner since October 2015 when the project was launched.   

 The project specific objectives are the following:

  1. To standardize qualifications frameworks and competences in the tourism sector;
  2. To offer advanced training programs to the teaching staff in the education institutions of the partner countries based on the occupational standards and qualifications framework in the tourism sector; 
  3. To ensure controlling and monitoring of the quality of training in the partner countries' education institutions;
  4. To disseminate project information within the institutions of the education systems of Russia and Kyrgyzstan;
  5. To introduce an efficient pilot program management system.

 The examination of occupational standards and qualifications framework in the tourism sector is performed by the teaching staff of the Financial University Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry and their colleagues from the following Russian, Kyrgyz and European universities:  

  • London Metropolitan University (UK)
  • University of Nicosia (Nicosia, Cyprus)
  • Baltic College Schwerin - University of Applied Sciences (Schwerin, Germany)
  • Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia)
  • Tynystanov Issyk-Kul State University (Karakol, Kyrgyzstan)
  • Bishkek Academy of Finance and Economy (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan)  
  • Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics (St. Petersburg, Russia)
  • Don State Technical University (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)   
  • Sochi University (Sochi, Russia)
  • Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Pushkin, Moscow Region, Russia) 

 Through examination of occupational and educational standards, gaps were identified in the European, Russian, and Kyrgyz educational standards and approaches to learning. Therefore, the project Consortium decided to develop new learning modules for the master program on leadership and tourism development strategies based on the national educational standards, the best teaching methodology and the best practices gained by European and Russian schools offering programs in tourism.

For more information, please visit the EurDiQ project official web site  | MOODLE EurDiQ educational platform

Project Information  

•Project duration:   2015-2019

•Program name: ERASMUS+

•Project No. 561832-EPP-1-2015-1-LV-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

•Name of the grant-holding university:   Baltic International Academy (Riga, Latvia)

Projects Results

Project quality and management

Development of Occupational Standards and National Qualifications Framework in the Tourism Sector seminar (March 2017)

Draft of a tourist information center staff occupational standard

Strategy and Leadership in the Tourism Sector distance master program

Pilot module materials

Destination Development module

Tourist Destinations Development multimedia laboratory

Project dissemination


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